Maurizio Gibin
Laurea in Economics at the University of Eastern Piedmont "Amedeo Avogadro" and PhD in “Development policies and land management ” (University of Trieste) with a dissertation on Geomarketing. In 2004 he became Post Doc fellow at the University of Eastern Piedmont. In march 2006 he moved to London to work at CASA ( Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis), UCL (University College of London) with Prof. Paul A. Longley. This has led Maurizio to develop an online Southwark Atlas of Health, as well as the London Profiler resource that showcases a full range of CASA projects alongside health data. Since September 2008 He is Lecturer in GIScience at Birkbeck college conducting research and teaching in the GISc Program.
Maurizio's research interests are: spatial analysis, geovisualisation and user interaction issues, geographic data analysis of socio-economic and population data, health geography, geodemographics, geoweb 2.0 applications to deploy geographic information, web cartography and analytical design in thematic mapping.
Maurizio is a regular reviewer for different giscience publications as well he is part of the scientific committee of GISRUK 2010 and GEO-AN-MOD. He is involved in the Vespucci Summer School held by Michael Goodchild, Ian Masser, David Mark, Gilberto Camara and Max Craglia.
Role in the project: Instructor in the courses Google Maps Mashups, GeoDemographics, GIScience and VbaArcOBjects
E-mail: maurizio.gibin@giscience.it