Ezio Crestaz
He holds a degree with Dist. in Geological Sciences from the University of Turin, Italy, 1986, and a M.Sc. with Dist. in GIScience from the MMU (Manchester Metropolitan University), Manchester, UK. Currently completing a PgD in Computer Science at Hertfordshire University, further to attending advanced courses in geostatistics, spatial analysis, GIScience and groundwater flow and transport modelling.
Since 1986, he has been working in the fields of geothermal, mining, hydrogeological, environmental, IT and GIS research, both in Italy and abroad within the ENI, the Italian oil company. As a geophysicist, groundwater modeller and GI Researcher, he has been extensively involved in the architecture design and development of geodatabases, GIS platforms and SDSSs (Spatial Decision Support Systems) for groundwater data management and use optimization at both large/regional scale and at local scale, in the framework of environmental protection and remediation projects.
Currently he holds a PostDoc grant position at the Water Unit of JRC (Joint Research Centre) of the European Commission in Ispra (VA), working on water management projects in developing and emerging countries.
Author of more than 20 papers on groundwater modelling and GIScience, he has been Guest Lecturer in GISc at Birkbeck College of the UCL (University College of London) in 2010-2013, and contract professor in groundwater hydrology at Geosciences Dpt. of Camerino University in 2006-2007. He has been teaching many specialization courses in Italy and abroad, in the framework of international cooperation projects (UNDP, EU), graduate and post-graduate courses at Italian universities.
Role in the project: Project founder , Instructor in the courses GeoDB, VbaArcObjects,
JAVA, MAS and GIScience
E-mail: ezio.crestaz@giscience.it