Giancarlo Crema
Born in Savona in 1938, he holds a degree in Geological Sciences and a degree in Chemistry form the University of Turin, Italy, and he specializaed in hydrogeology with Prof. G. Castany. He has covered the position of assistant at the University of Turin, from 1963 to 1972, and he has been author of five 100,000 scale italian geological maps (western Alps). Since 1973 up to 1994, he has covered the positions of technical officere and then R&D Director in Aquater (ENI), in the framework of hydrogeological, hydrochemical, geothermical, agricultural and mining research projects. Since 1972, he has been contract professor at Parma, Urbino, Camerino and Chieti universities, holding courses on applied hydrogeology and environmental protection and remediation focused on groundwater quality issues. Author of more than 70 papers presented at international conferences or published on specialized journals, he has been supporting many degree and Phd theses at academic institutions above and at Losanna University.
Giancarlo left us on April 8th, 2014. He has been a key reference point for students and collegues since long time, with his experience in hydrogeology and geochemistry and his will to help and support.
And, even more important, he has been a bright friend, always there in key phases of our life. We will always remember the time we spent together. Thanks Giancarlo, from our sons as well.
(Anna e Ezio)