Environmental project management
Legislation, technical, management and communication issues
Brochure (not available)
Registration module (not available)
The course aims at presenting and critically reviewing reference guidelines for correct and effective technical management of environmental protection and remediation projects , starting from emergency containment up to integrated soil and groundwater reclamation projects.
![Chemical Site [Autore: Ezio Crestaz]](img/chemicalsite.jpg)
Both Italian and European laws (DM 471/99, Guidelines on waters issued by the European Commission and in progress D.Lgs. “ Norme in materia ambientale ”) state technical and legal reference framework of environmental projects, addressing their strong multidisciplinarity, from environmental sciences (geology, chemistry, biology, toxicology), to geoinformation science ( e nvironmental information systems, hydroinformatics) and engineering.
The complex and multidisciplinar nature of environmental management practice demands for highly specialized scientific and professional profiles, addressing the integration and law requirements in a clear and strategic perception of projects scopes.
Building the reference conceptual model is the first step of each environmental project. Based on paleogeographic studies and an overall assessment of environmental site history (productions, infrastructures, assignations), characterization activities lead to a data mining process , focused on transformation from raw data to information and geo knowledge . Interpretation of geometrical framework and of hydrological/hydrogeological properties distribution, in a geospatial analysis and time-dependent perspective (e.g. surface and groundwater hydrology, quality), are next fundamental steps in the process, imposing the respect of a rigid data management and documentation (metadata) protocol. This complex process leads to technical/scientific interpretation, quite often, demanding for analytical and numerical modelling addressing both cognitive and predictional purposes.
The textbook “ Bonificare i siti contaminati ” by R. Barberis and C. Mariotti is adopted in the course.

Programma del corso
The program is drawn after environmental legislation and an in-depth review of fundamental steps in environmental protection and reclamation projects.
Fundamental best-practice principles are reviewed in the framework of the Italian legislation in force, DM 471/99, and face to the in-progress legislation (D Lgs. “Norme in materia ambientale”).
Sequence of main steps in environmental remediation projects, as stated by legislation, address the requirements of a progressive in-depth understanding of technical issues and economic impacts, starting from a rough preliminary conceptual model to final project approval. Site conceptual model, initial investigation plan, characterization activities, environmental data management, preliminary remediation project, pilot tests, risk analysis and definitive reclamation project/permanent containment intervention turn to be the main phases of the overall process.
- Preliminary conceptual model
Building a reliable preliminary conceptual model is the fundamental key-step in successful project remediation design and planning. The conceptual model is defined on behalf of available historical information and of environmental investigations carried out routinely; it necessarily addresses all site-specific characteristics and environmental media (soil, groundwater), focusing on potential pollution sources, their areal extension and distribution, and analysis of contaminants diffusion paths from sources to sensible targets.
Preliminary conceptual model analysis starts from geomorphological studies, addressing recent geological site evolution issues..Historical cartography, and photographic documentation, together with history of industrial activities, productions and infrastructures all contribute to a proper interpretation of geological context
Consistent technical management must take into account both political and legal context, by addressing owners history, aw well as strategies and targets of industry and environmental control authorities. The interpretation of the preliminary conceptual model represents the starting fundamental reference of the procedure which leads to the assessment of strategies for environmental measures. - Initial investigation plan and environmental data management
The initial investigation plan defines in detail both field and laboratory activities to be carried out for environmental site characterization, including strategies and technical specifications. These activities generally deal with drillings, in situ tests, monitoring and sampling procedures, field measurements, methods of identification, conservation and transport of samples, analysis methodologies.
The knowledge of fundamental steps (e.g. design basis, operative protocols), the role played by local authorities, the relevance of program meetings, claims, as well as all related logistic/operative issues (e.g. security and authorization protocols) are of fundamental relevance.
Definitely a process of progressive learning, featured by a delicate balance through technical, legal and communication aspects, leading to the definition of the site conceptual model, fundamental requirement to address assessment and optimization of remediation strategies.
- Environmental data management
All previously stated activities lead to collection and processing of a huge amount of geodata and information. That's why efficient information management is a key hot topic on the agenda, imposing requiremens for efficient querying and analysis of row data, metadata , lineage and interpreted information.
The design and implementation of geodatabases and their integration in the framework of EISs (Environmental Information Systems), turn to play a key role in supporting management, analysis and interpretation of environmental phenomena. Definitely, these systems are true SDSS s – Spatial Decision Support Systems, including modelling, statistics and spatial statistics tools. - Reclamation measures design
This last phase in environmental remediation process demands for the highest level of specialization, knowledge of market-available solutions, their field of application and effectiveness, focusing on the complexity of environmental media and the possible alternative remediation strategies.
Major problems to deal with in soil remediation can be briefly summarized as follows:- Choice of remediation technologies, compliance with official protocols, definition of preliminary remediation measures and of related pilot tests
- Risk analysis, in the framework of APAT methodological criteria
- Definition of targets and reclamation strategies
Other relevant issues are waste management, planning of monitoring activities, during and after on-site activites in order to assess the effectiveness of remediation measures, time schedule, workers health and security, future perspective including site reuse and prospective plans of urban requalification.

The course does not require any software.

Who is it for?
Professionals working for both private and public sector interested in environmental issues related to remediation, planning, management and communication. The course requires a strong interest in the subject and the capacity to work at home pursuing the objectives. The structure and the textbook support this approach by allowing long periods of time between lessons and by giving a well known reference manual.

Location & dates
To be defined

To be defined

At the end of the course, participants attending at least 70% of the lessons will be awarded a Completion certificate.

Didactic material
Partecipants will be provided with a CD documentation course and with the textbook: Barberis R., Mariotti C., 2001. Bonificare i siti contaminati, Maggioli Editore.
Reference bibliography suggested:
- Andreottola G., Tatano F. (2003), Tecnologie di Risanamento dei Terreni Contaminati. Manuale dell’Ingegnere, 84° edizione, volume III, Q444-Q544. Hoepli editore.
- Atti del convegno “Bonifica dei siti contaminati: aspetti progettuali e operativi”, Siena, 10 giugno 2005.
- Atti del convegno “Caratterizzazione e bonifica di siti contaminati”, Bologna, 12-15 marzo 2002.
- Atti del 51° corso di aggiornamento in Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale “Siti contaminate: indagini, analisi di rischio e tecniche di bonifica”, Milano, 26-30 giugno 2000.
- Atti del seminario di aggiornamento professionale “CTEcnologie di bonifica: la corretta esecuzione dei test pilota”, Milano, 4 marzo 2004.
- ECP, White Paper: ElectroChemical GeoOxidation (ECGO) – A Synthesis. ElectroChemical Processes Inc., Wayne (PA). ElectroChemical Processes Inc, 2003.
- I libri di ambiente & sicurezza, Tecnologie di bonifica dei siti contaminati, il sole 24 ore, agosto 2003
- MacKinnon L.K., Thomson N.R. (2002), Laboratory-scale in situ chemical oxidation of a perchloroethylene pool using permanganate. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 56 (2002), 49-74.
- Mariotti C., Merlo C. (2003), Manuale sul disinquinamento - La gestione dei siti inquinati. Dalle indagini alla bonifica. Pubblicazione AIGA, ISBN 88-371-1336-6, 372 p.
- U.S.EPA, Field Application of In Situ Remediation Technologies: Chemical Oxidation. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and emergency Response, Washington, D.C. EPA 542-R-98-008, 1998.
- U.S.EPA, Multi-Phase Extraction: State-of-the-Practice. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and emergency Response, Washington, D.C. EPA 542-R-99-004, 1999.
- U.S.EPA, Electrochemical Remediation Technologies Remove Mercury in Soil, Technology News and Trends, Issue 2, September 2002. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, D.C. EPA 542-N-02-004, 2002.

For further information, please refer to info@giscience.it Email address or refer to contact references at Contacts section of web site www.giscience.it .